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Our journey to the city of Bursa begins by crossing from the continent of Europe to the continent of Asia across the July 15 martyrs bridge previously named Bosphorus bridge. While we cross the bridge we will see the beauty of the Bosphorus strait and the surrounding magical landmarks and neighborhoods. After crossing to the Asian continent we will go to the port of Eskihisar we will take a ship through Marmara Sea enjoying the smell of the sea and seeing the seagulls flying over us to the city of Yalova, which is famous for its sulphile water and its wonderful forests. Our first station will be driving ATV cars through the forset of Yalova enjoying the fresh air and the beauty of the nature, then we will continue our trip to the traditional Turkish delight factory, which is characterized by making  traditional Turkish delight in the second floor of the factory and serving in the first floor of the factory, very fresh delights,high quality and reasonable prices. Then we will continue to the Mount Oulu Dag in Bursa, which is one of the most beautiful and the highest Turkish mountains. 
We will take the cable cars which is the longest in Europe and the second in the world.it will take us to the top and give us a chance to see the scenic beauty of the forests of the Mount Oulu Dag and watch the city of Bursa from the top, stunning views wait us there. Then we will go to the open cable car and end up to the highest peak in Mount Oulu Dag which is a ski center in the winter . After we finish this station, we will go for a lunch at one of the best restaurants in the Mount Oulu Dag, which overlooks on the most beautiful landscape in the region. Then we will visit the Nature House, which contains more than 37 types of jam that are made from raw materials extracted from the city of Bursa, in addition to olives, Ottoman coffee and natural cosmetics.Then we will go to visit the 610 age- Old Tree( plane tree)  which is rare with its size and its age. Then we will go to the last stop, the historical Silk shops in the city of Bursa. Inside the Silk Market, there is the Silk Khan, which was built in the fifteenth century by the first Sultan Muhammad, who built it to bring money to the Green College located there.

Price: 40 $
